Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dear Future Me

     Right now I have no idea what I want to do with my life.  So this letter isn't going to be about hoping you got into a good college or have a job you like.  I don't really care about what you're doing so much as what you are thinking.
     At whatever time in the future you remember this blog and come back to check this (I have no doubt that you will eventually) I just want you to remember what you used to believe.  Now, if some giant life event happened and shattered who you were, I can understand you changing you're thoughts.  This letter is just to make sure that changing your ideals was actually an improvement.
     Whatever happens in the mysterious future, I hope you still understand that lying and cheating don't lead anywhere good.  I hope you still refuse to judge others and hold grudges.  I hope you don't take everything to seriously; life shouldn't be wasted.  Most of all, I hope you don't think you know better than anyone else, because you don't, not at all.  Anyway, if you did you would probably wouldn't give anything in this post any thought because you were so stupidly idealistic when you were in high school.

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