Friday, November 11, 2011

Computers are Evil

    Everyone knows that computers will someday achieve superhuman capabilities and take over the Earth.  I mean, the Internet is already destroying cultures, language, and the economy.  Right?  Honestly, a lot of people completely overreact when it comes to technology.
    But first, lets get this out of the way.  I am not saying that we should allow technological research to go on without government regulation.  I am not saying I want all print media to die (I read the newspaper semi-daily).  I am not saying that the Internet should be completely uncensored.  And I am not saying that people should not be wary of "Big Brother."  However, people cannot allow fear of technology to stop them from realizing its benefits.
     According to Time Magazine, only forty-five percent of people over sixty-six believe that the Internet was a change for the better.  Forty-five percent of senior citizens would rather live without the Internet.  I try to understand their opinions, but it is very difficult.  Just think of the medical benefits of having the Internet.  Collaboration between doctors and biologists has skyrocketed with the Internet.  With this collaboration, cures for diseases will come much sooner, and save many lives.
  Computers and the Internet, like most technologies, come with many risks.  I believe that these risks can be tamed through just and thoughtful legislation and should never become too problematic.  The advantages of technologies should not and cannot be ignored simply because of fear.
(X2 126)

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