Sunday, October 30, 2011

My writing process

     When I write, I really don't care what is going on around me, or what I'm wearing (to an extent).  I like to be at my home computer, but I can write elsewhere.  Nothing really matters in my writing process except noise.  I can't stand people talking while I try and write.  It distracts me more than anything else.  So when I write, my family is exiled to upstairs.
    It makes me feel a little mean that I make them do this, but luckily they understand.  I've tried listening to music, but it distracts me even if it's an instrumental.  I've tried putting my earbuds in without music but that's even worse.  It works for while, but then the cord starts to rub against the computer cabinet and make a really annoying sound.
     I have no idea why sound is so much more distracting to me than anything else.  If it's quiet, I can write comfortably.  If it isn't, I can barely get a sentence down without looking around and getting distracted.  Noting besides sound really matters in my writing process.

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